The Color class represents an RGB color value. Color instances are immutable. The constructors are accessible from scripts.
init( r, g, b )
Constructs a new Color instance with the given red, green and blue values (in the range 0.0 to 1.0) and an alpha of 1.0.
init( r, g, b, a )
Constructs a new Color instance with the given red, green, blue and alpha values (in the range 0.0 to 1.0).
init( name )
Constructs a new Color instance derived from standard HTML color hex value or color name; e.g., “#FF0000”, “white”, “black”, “orange”, etc. See Online Resources for a link to a complete list.
equals( object )
Returns True if object represents the same color as self within a set tolerance.
Pre-defined colors
These are class variables of Color. Note that some are not a match for the HTML color name equivalent; e.g., ORANGE
is the not the same color as HTML “orange”.
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