
The Application class represents those features of Flying Logic that are independent of any particular document. Such features include application preferences, document loading and importing, version information, etc. In addition the Application class contains constants used in method calls in the Application class and others.

There is only one instance (singleton) of the Application class. This instance can be accessed by the global variable Application.

There are a number of enumerated types (orientation type, bias type, etc.) accessible from the Application instance. These are listed in their own section.




Returns a Document instance representing a newly created Flying logic document.

openDocument( path )

Returns a Document instance representing the Flying Logic document opened from the given path. If the document is already opened, this method just returns the existing Document instance.

findDocument( path )

Returns a Document instance representing the open Flying Logic document opened from the given path, otherwise None is the document is not open.

importDocument( path, params )

Returns a Document instance representing a Flying Logic document created by importing the file with given path (or by asking the user for a file if path is None) using an XSLT file to transform the file into a Flying Logic document based on options in the params dictionary (see possible options under XSLT Import-Export Type).


Displays the Quick Capture dialog.

exporterLabel( exportType )

Returns the label for the export menu item matching the given exportType.

vertexOperatorByName( name )

Returns the VertexOperator with the given user interface name; i.e., “Fuzzy And”.

filterGraphElemList(list, filter)

Given a list of graph elements returns a new list that has been filtered by the given GraphElemFilter filter.

alert( message )

Displays a simple alert dialog with a string message.

requestForString( message, defaultValue ) API 1.15

Displays a simple dialog with message requesting the user enter a value, which is returned as a string. The text input control in the dialog is pre-filled with the defaultValue (the empty string and None are equivalent). If the user selects "OK" a string will always be returned, even if it is the empty string. If the user selects "Cancel", None will always be returned.

requestForPassword(label, defaultValue) API 1.15

Displays a simple dialog with requesting the user enter a password, which is returned as a string. The label appears to the left of the password input control with the password displayed as bullet characters. The control is pre-filled with the defaultValue (the empty string and None are equivalent). If the user selects "OK" a string will always be returned, even if it is the empty string. If the user selects "Cancel", None will always be returned.

requestForInteger( message, defaultValue ) API 1.15

Displays a simple dialog with message requesting the user enter a value, which is returned as an integer. The text input control in the dialog is pre-filled with the defaultValue, which must be an integer (or None, which leaves the text input control empty). If the user selects "OK" an integer value is returned. If the user selects "Cancel", None will always be returned.

requestForDouble( message, defaultValue ) API 1.15

Displays a simple dialog with message requesting the user enter a value, which is returned as a double. The text input control in the dialog is pre-filled with the defaultValue, which must be a double (or None, which leaves the text input control empty). If the user selects "OK" a double value is returned. If the user selects "Cancel", None will always be returned.

requestForOpenFile(defaultDirectory) API 1.15

Displays a open file dialog requesting the user select a file. The dialog initially shows the files in defaultDirectory, or the default user directory if defaultDirectory is None. If the user selects "OK" the path to the selected filename is returned as a string. If the user selects "Cancel", None will always be returned.

requestForSaveFile(defaultDirectory, defaultFile) API 1.15

Displays a save file dialog requesting the user enter or select a file. The dialog initially shows the files in defaultDirectory or the default user directory if defaultDirectory is None. A defaultFile can be provided to set the selected file name, otherwise set to None. If the user selects "OK" the path to the selected filename is returned as a string. If the user selects "Cancel", None will always be returned.

request( message, labels )

Displays a request dialog titled “Request” to the user to answer a question message by making a selection among a set of buttons with labels (a tuple). Returns an integer matching the index of the label in the tuple. Note: the message can be a string or a Java Component object, allowing for the creation of a more complicated dialog.

request( title, message, labels )

Displays a request dialog with title to the user to answer a question message by making a selection among a set of buttons with labels (a tuple). Returns an integer matching the index of the label in the tuple. Note: the message can be a string or a Java Component object, allowing for the creation of a more complicated dialog.

appendClassPath( pathList )

Appends the paths in pathList to the Java classpath for the script. The values in the list should be either directories containing Java class files or paths to jar files, as strings.


Returns a “compatible” instance of java.sql.Driver that acts as a shim class to another instance of java.sql.Driver created from a JDBC library. This is a workaround for a “feature” of Java where Driver instances can only be used if created by the application ClassLoader, which is not true of scripts running in Flying Logic.

# You should have previously added the path to the MySQL JDBC jar via Application.appendClassPath method
from com.mysql.jdbc import Driver
from java.sql import DriverManager

# Need to create shim Driver
shimDriver = Application.createCompatibleDriver( Driver() )
conn = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:mysql://someserver/somedb", "someuser", "somepassword")

createSQLConnection(url, username, password, driverClassName)

Returns a Python SQL connection object. This method is a replacement for the the connect method in Jython’s zxJDBC package.

# You should have previously added the path to the MySQL JDBC jar via Application.appendClassPath method
url = "jdbc:mysql://someserver/somedb"
username = "someuser"
password = "somepassword"
driver = "com.mysql.jdbc.Driver"

# obtain a connection using the with-statment
#with zxJDBC.connect(jdbc_url, username, password, driver) as conn:
with Application.createSQLConnection(url, username, password, driver) as conn:
  with conn:
    with conn.cursor() as c:
      # execute SQL commands

Deprecated Methods

askForString( message, defaultValue ) DEPRECATED Use requestForString.

Displays a simple dialog with message requesting the user enter a value, which is returned as a string. If the user selects Cancel, the defaultValue is returned instead. The value None is an acceptable defaultValue.

askForPassword( label, defaultValue ) DEPRECATED Use requestForPassword.

Displays a simple dialog requesting the user enter a password, which is returned as a string. The label appears to the left of the password input control with the password displayed as bullet characters. If the user selects "Cancel", the defaultValue is returned instead. The value None is an acceptable defaultValue.

askForInteger( message, defaultValue ) DEPRECATED Use requestForInteger.

Displays a simple dialog with message requesting the user enter a value, which is returned as an integer. If the user selects Cancel, the defaultValue is returned instead.

askForDouble( message, defaultValue ) DEPRECATED Use requestForDouble.

Displays a simple dialog with message requesting the user enter a value, which is returned as a float (which is equivalent to a Java double). If the user selects Cancel, the defaultValue is returned instead.

askForFile( defaultDirectory, save ) DEPRECATED Use requestForOpenFile and requestForSaveFile.

Displays a file dialog requesting the user select a file. The dialog is a save file dialog if save is True, else it’s an open file dialog. The dialog initially shows the files in defaultDirectory or the default user directory if None. Returns the path to the selected file as a string or None if the user cancelled.

askForFile( save )DEPRECATED Use requestForSaveFile.

Displays a file dialog just like the above method, but always initially shows the files in the default user directory.

Last updated