Importer and Exporter Examples
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The Python-based CSV (comma-separated values) importer described here is exactly the same as the one built into Flying Logic.
When using the File ➡ Import ➡ Import Diagram from CSV... command, you will first be asked for a text file to import, then you will be presented with two dialogs: The first dialog provides the importer with information on how to read the file (text encoding, whether comma or tab is used as a column delimiter and whether there is a header row) and whether a new document is to be created (instead of importing into the current document).
The second dialog tells the importer how to interpret the columns in the text file. The columns in the text file can either be used as the name of a new entity or group, the entity class of a new entity (ignored from groups), a list of connections to this entity by column number (ignored for groups), a list of children (ignored for entities), or an annotation. A row is considered to represent a group if children is not an empty string of text. The connections can be considered wither a list of predecessors or successors. The valued entered in Internal Separator is the character used to separate column numbers in a connection or children list (defaults to space). The row indexes for predecessors, successors, or children can either start at 1 for the first row, 0 for the first row, or be assigned an index from a value taken from a column.
The entires in a column can be quoted with double quotes. When quoted, appearance of a double quote character in the column text must be escaped with a backslash character.
Example CSV File
Raw text:
"C","Intermediate Effect","2 3",
"A","Goal","4 5",
"G",,,"2 3 4"
Shown as table:
The example above has a header row, comma as separator, uses quoted strings (unnecessary in this case as there are no embedded commas, etc.), and the default list separator of space. Note that the header row is still considered a row, so the "D" entity is row 2.
The example file generates the following diagram:
CSV Importer Code
# import comma separated values from a file into Flying Logic
# supports comma, tab and semicolon as delimiters and quoted values
# creates entities, groups and edges, but not junctors
# Copyright 2013,2014 Sciral
# Java classes needed to create the UI and read files
from import InputStreamReader, BufferedReader, FileInputStream
from java.nio.charset import Charset
from javax.swing import Box, BoxLayout, JLabel, JCheckBox, JComboBox, JTextField
# required variable that provides the label for the item in Flying Logic import menu
importItemLabel = "Import Diagram from CSV File"
# importLine: a subroutine to process a line
# returns an array of values found in the line
def importLine(line, delimiter):
cols = []
stage = 0
quoted = False
for c in line:
if stage == 0:
if c == '"':
quoted = True
stage = 1
s = []
elif c == delimiter:
elif not c.isspace():
quoted = False
stage = 1
s = [c]
elif stage == 1:
if c == '"':
if quoted:
stage = 2
elif c == delimiter:
if quoted:
stage = 0
elif stage == 2:
if c == '"':
stage = 1
elif c == delimiter:
stage = 0
elif not c.isspace():
""" bad format """
if stage != 0:
return cols
# this function nicely adds an annotation from plain text
def setAnnotation(elem, text):
editor = elem.annotationEditor
editor.insert(text, { })
def columnFromParams(columns, params, key):
if key in params:
value = params[key]
if isinstance(value, int):
return value
return columns.index(value, 1) - 1
except ValueError:
return 0
return 0
# importDocument: required function for an importer
# parameters
# file: filename of the file to import
def importDocument(file):
params = document.importExportParams
if params != None:
createNewDocument = False
if Application.IMPORT_DIAGRAM_NEW_DOCUMENT in params:
createNewDocument = params[Application.IMPORT_DIAGRAM_NEW_DOCUMENT]
hasHeader = False
if Application.CSV_HEADER_ROW in params:
hasHeader = params[Application.CSV_HEADER_ROW]
encoding = 'ISO-8859-1'
if Application.CSV_ENCODING in params:
value = params[Application.CSV_ENCODING]
if value == Application.CSV_ENCODING_UTF8:
encoding = 'UTF-8'
elif value == Application.CSV_ENCODING_ASCII:
encoding = 'US-ASCII'
columnDelimiter = ','
if Application.CSV_SEPARATOR in params:
value = params[Application.CSV_SEPARATOR]
if value == Application.CSV_SEPARATOR_TABS:
columnDelimiter = '\t'
elif value == Application.CSV_SEPARATOR_SEMICOLONS:
columnDelimiter = ';'
# create a dialog using Java to collect details about the imported file
masterBox = Box(BoxLayout.Y_AXIS)
# text encoding
controlBox = Box(BoxLayout.X_AXIS)
controlBox.add(JLabel("Text Encoding: "))
encodingsComboBox = JComboBox(['Windows/Latin-1/ISO-8859-1', 'UTF-8', 'ASCII (US)'])
# delimiter
controlBox = Box(BoxLayout.X_AXIS)
controlBox.add(JLabel("Column separator: "))
columnSepComboBox = JComboBox(["Commas", "Tabs", "Semicolon"])
# header row?
controlBox = Box(BoxLayout.X_AXIS)
headerCheckbox = JCheckBox("Has header row")
# create new document? (default is to import into current document)
controlBox = Box(BoxLayout.X_AXIS)
newDocCheckbox = JCheckBox("Create new document")
# display dialog and collect options
if 0 == Application.request("CSV Import Settings", masterBox, ("Cancel", "OK")):
createNewDocument = newDocCheckbox.isSelected()
knownEncodings = ['ISO-8859-1', 'UTF-8', 'US-ACSII']
encoding = knownEncodings[encodingsComboBox.selectedIndex]
columnDelimiter = ','
if columnSepComboBox.selectedIndex == 1:
columnDelimiter = '\t'
if columnSepComboBox.selectedIndex == 2:
columnDelimiter = ';'
hasHeader = headerCheckbox.isSelected()
theDoc = document
if createNewDocument:
theDoc = Application.newDocument()
# open input file
reader = BufferedReader( InputStreamReader( FileInputStream( file ), encoding ) )
firstLine = True
vertexList = []
indexMap = {}
row = 0
# process file line by line
while True:
line = reader.readLine()
if line == None:
row = row + 1
# collect values in line
columns = importLine(line, columnDelimiter)
numColumns = len(columns)
# if first line, ask user to identify meaning if each column
if firstLine:
firstLine = False
columnNames = ['Not used']
indexNames = ['First row is index 1', 'First row is index 0']
if hasHeader:
columnNames = columnNames + columns
indexNames = indexNames + columns
for i in range(numColumns):
columnNames.append('Column ' + str(i + 1))
indexNames.append('Column ' + str(i + 1))
if params != None:
titleColumn = columnFromParams(columnNames, params, Application.CSV_TITLE_COLUMN)
classColumn = columnFromParams(columnNames, params, Application.CSV_CLASS_COLUMN)
linkColumn = columnFromParams(columnNames, params, Application.CSV_CONNECTIONS_COLUMN)
isSuccessor = 0
if Application.CSV_CONNECTIONS_TYPE in params:
if params[Application.CSV_CONNECTIONS_TYPE] == Application.CSV_SUCCESSORS:
isSuccessor = 1
childrenColumn = columnFromParams(columnNames, params, Application.CSV_CHILDREN_COLUMN)
rowDelimiter = ' '
if Application.CSV_CHILDREN_SEPARATOR in params:
rowDelimiter = params[Application.CSV_CHILDREN_SEPARATOR]
indexColumn = columnFromParams(columnNames, params, Application.CSV_ROW_INDEX)
noteColumn = columnFromParams(columnNames, params, Application.CSV_ANNOTATION_COLUMN)
# make Java dialog
masterBox = Box(BoxLayout.Y_AXIS)
controlBox = Box(BoxLayout.X_AXIS)
controlBox.add(JLabel("Please match attributes with columns:"))
controlBox = Box(BoxLayout.X_AXIS)
controlBox.add(JLabel("Element Title: "))
titleColumnComboBox = JComboBox(columnNames)
controlBox = Box(BoxLayout.X_AXIS)
controlBox.add(JLabel("Entity Class: "))
classColumnComboBox = JComboBox(columnNames)
controlBox = Box(BoxLayout.X_AXIS)
controlBox.add(JLabel("Connections: "))
linkColumnComboBox = JComboBox(columnNames)
predColumnComboBox = JComboBox(['Predecessors', 'Successors'])
controlBox = Box(BoxLayout.X_AXIS)
controlBox.add(JLabel("Children: "))
childColumnComboBox = JComboBox(columnNames)
controlBox = Box(BoxLayout.X_AXIS)
controlBox.add(JLabel("Internal separator: "))
rowSepTextField = JTextField(5)
controlBox = Box(BoxLayout.X_AXIS)
controlBox.add(JLabel("Row Index: ")),
indexColumnComboBox = JComboBox(indexNames)
controlBox = Box(BoxLayout.X_AXIS)
controlBox.add(JLabel("Annotation: "))
noteColumnComboBox = JComboBox(columnNames)
if 0 == Application.request("CSV Column Interpretation", masterBox, ("Cancel", "OK")):
if createNewDocument:
titleColumn = titleColumnComboBox.selectedIndex - 1
classColumn = classColumnComboBox.selectedIndex - 1
linkColumn = linkColumnComboBox.selectedIndex - 1
childrenColumn = childColumnComboBox.selectedIndex - 1
isSuccessor = (predColumnComboBox.selectedIndex == 1)
indexColumn = indexColumnComboBox.selectedIndex - 2
noteColumn = noteColumnComboBox.selectedIndex - 1
rowDelimiter = rowSepTextField.text.strip()
if len(rowDelimiter) == 0:
rowDelimiter = ' '
# if first line is a header, skip line
if hasHeader:
# default entity and group attributes
entityTitle = 'untitled'
entityClass = 'Generic'
entityLinks = ''
groupChildren = ''
annotation = None
# match values with identified attributes
if titleColumn >= 0 and titleColumn < numColumns:
entityTitle = columns[titleColumn]
if classColumn >= 0 and classColumn < numColumns:
entityClass = columns[classColumn]
if linkColumn >= 0 and linkColumn < numColumns:
entityLinks = columns[linkColumn]
if childrenColumn >= 0 and childrenColumn < numColumns:
groupChildren = columns[childrenColumn]
if noteColumn >= 0 and noteColumn < numColumns:
annotation = columns[noteColumn]
if len(annotation) == 0:
annotation = None
# create index mapping based on user choice of one-based, zero-based or by column value
indexRow = row
if indexColumn >= 0:
indexRow = int(columns[indexColumn])
elif indexColumn == -1:
indexRow = row - 1
indexMap[indexRow] = row
# either handle as group or entity -- no junctors yet
if groupChildren != '':
group = theDoc.newGroup(None)[0]
if entityTitle != 'untitled':
group.title = entityTitle
if annotation != None:
setAnnotation(group, annotation)
vertexList.append( (group, None, groupChildren) )
entity = theDoc.addEntityToTarget(None)[0] # no need to clearSelection each iteration
entity.title = entityTitle
eCls = theDoc.getEntityClassByName(entityClass)
if eCls != None:
entity.entityClass = eCls
if annotation != None:
setAnnotation(entity, annotation)
vertexList.append( (entity, entityLinks, None) )
# generate new elements from collected vertex data
for data in vertexList:
if data[1] != None:
predList = data[1].split(rowDelimiter)
for pred in predList:
if len(pred) > 0:
index = indexMap[int(pred)] - 1
if hasHeader:
index = index - 1
if index >= 0 and index < len(vertexList):
if isSuccessor:
theDoc.connect(data[0], vertexList[index][0])
theDoc.connect(vertexList[index][0], data[0])
if data[2] != None:
childList = data[2].split(rowDelimiter)
for child in childList:
if len(child) > 0:
index = indexMap[int(child)] - 1
if hasHeader:
index = index - 1
if index >= 0 and index < len(vertexList):
vertexList[index][0].parent = data[0]
return theDoc
Example DOT Exporter
The code below exports a document to a DOT (GraphViz) file, but with less features than the native export option in Flying Logic.
# a simple DOT format exporter, less complete then the native version in Flying Logic
# Copyright 2013 Arciem LLC
# required variable that provided the label for the item in Flying Logic export menu
exportMenuLabel = "Export Diagram to simple DOT format"
# exportDocument: required function for an exporter
# parameters
# file: filename of the file to export
def exportDocument(file):
# open output file using Python file I/O
fh = open(file, 'w')
fh.write("digraph graphname {\n")
for elem in document.all:
if elem.isGroup or elem.isEdge:
# use the element unique id’s (eid) to create unique id’s in DOT
if elem.isEntity:
fh.write("\tn" + str(elem.eid) + " [label=\"" + elem.title + "\"];\n")
if elem.isJunctor:
fh.write("\tn" + str(elem.eid) + " [label=\"" + elem.operator.abbreviation + "];\n")
for outEdge in elem.outEdges:
fh.write("\tn" + str(elem.eid) + " -> n" + str( + ";\n")